
Let God’s peace lead you

  Have you ever felt a lack of peace in your life when you consider what decision you should make? Life is full of uncertain moments where we wish we knew exactly what to do in order to achieve our goals, provide for our families and prepare for the future.   While we can’t possibly prepare for every contingency, God does promise to give us guidance and peace as we allow his Holy Spirit to be a part of our life. Instead of allowing worry and fear to influence our decisions, we must put our trust in God’s leading. When we rely on God and put our trust and confidence in his goodness and wisdom, we can experience peace in our daily lives.

Rest in God’s peace

 Rest in the peace God gives you, as he releases the burdens from your life and lightens your daily load of cares and worries. 

Finding contentment with God’s blessings

By J.E. Nickerson  Sometimes we compare the things we have, with the life we see others leading. It’s so easy to wonder why God didn’t bless us like he blessed the people around us. If we are not careful, we can allow our perception of other people’s lives, to hinder our enjoyment of what God has given us. God’s blessings are always designed for the specific needs of people and the plans he has for them. No one fully knows the plans God has for them. His ways are higher than ours and his thoughts are greater and more complex than our thoughts. He can see things that we cannot see. Trust God today with the life he has given you and the blessings he has bestowed. Peace and joy are found when we allow God to lead us through his word and the Holy Spirit, instead of constantly thinking about how our life differs from the lives of other people.  

Trust Jesus with your hopes

  Trust Jesus to provide for your life. The things we worry about have already been taken care of by Jesus. He cares about the things that are important to you.  

Peace as a gift comes to those who trust in God

There is peace when we trust Jesus. Let the Spirit of the Lord fill your heart and home with protection give you and hope for the future.

Three strikes and you’re out, but not with God

By J.E. Nickerson While living in Florida, our house has been hit by lightning 3 times. This past week, my home was affected by a power surge that ultimately knocked out the air conditioning unit, on the same day that a heat warning had been issued for temperatures of 100 degrees. If you have ever lived in Florida, you know how instantaneously unpleasant and difficult to breathe it can become, when the heat outside begins to bake your home. Suddenly, the bearable internal temperature of the house with air conditioning, became like an oven.  But God, in his mercy, did not allow my mother and me to go without air for a long period of time. He enabled us to get a small window unit that cooled our living room. Shortly after installing the unit, we were able to schedule a repair call for the AC unit. During the repair, we were offered a surge protector for the unit, so that future power surges, that are endemic to Florida, won’t damage the AC unit.  Most of us know that the expression three

The storm brings provision

By J.E. Nickerson  During a very powerful rainstorm in my area, I was able to take a few shots of the storm, as it moved over my home.    Despite the thunderous roar, raging winds and flashes of lightning, my home was spared from any damage. Sometimes in the middle of the storm, all we see and hear is the threat of destruction around us.    But God uses the storm to bring refreshing to the area. God holds us safely in his hand, as rain waters the plants and cleans the air.  Even in the middle of    the biggest storms, there are blessings and provision. Let God show you the blessings around you and refresh your life with the gift of his spirit.