Sometimes we need a reminder that God is still watching over us. The other day I photographed a pair of little birds exploring the deck in my backyard. Seeing them hop around, eat bugs and enjoy the wetlands without worry, reminded me that the same God who provides for their water, food and shelter, also provides for and looks after us. Right now there are many things in society that can cause us to be afraid of the future and worry about our daily life. No matter what situation we face or how fearful we feel, we can always find peace remembering that the same God who watches over the smallest birds also watches over us. He knows what we need and what it will take to provide for our families. Just as he provides the food for the birds and the other things he has made, he will also provide for us. As you go through your day, put your trust and faith in the ultimate father who loves you and provides everything you need for your daily life.