
Showing posts from June, 2024

God loves you and is there for you

  By J.E. Nickerson God’s love for you is greater than whatever struggles or mistakes you have made or gone through. No matter how hard life gets or how disappointing life can become, God always there. If you are fearful, worried, depressed or do not know what to do next in life, God is there. He is capable of handling whatever situation you are in.  Let God into your situation. Ask God for help. Ask God for guidance. 

God’s mercy is new every day

  By J.E. Nickerson When you walk up, most people have a routine. For me it’s to workout, have breakfast and spend time with my friends before my day begins. Other people love having a warm beverage and reading the news or watching news clips on their phone or tablet. No matter what your cherished routine is, God’s mercy is ready to cover you, before you even wake up. Before the alarm goes off or your eyes open, God has already covered you with mercy, grace and prepared everything you will need for your day. As you are getting ready for your day by working out, getting dressed and preparing for the projects on your calendar app, take a minute to think about the goodness and mercy that God has already has in store for you to experience today.

Lessons from the Garden now in paperback on Amazon

  Today you can now purchase all four books in this inspirational children’s book series. Help your kids learn about loving people who are different than then are, accept correction from people in authority and stick up for themselves.  All four books are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble & Apple Books.

Discomfort brings change

Discomfort is often the tool God uses in order to make us grow. If you are feeling uncomfortable in your surroundings or with a part of your life, ask God if he is trying to make you grow beyond your comfort zone. Just as eagles remove the padding from the nest, to make the baby eagles uncomfortable enough to start learning how to fly away, God often removes the comfort being satisfied with the way things have always been. This is so that we as his children, start pursuing new paths and open ourselves up to being lead by him in ways we have not been lead before.

God gives us confidence

  By J.E. Nickerson Sometimes we make a decision to step out in faith and try something new, only for the people closest to us, to question our ability to succeed. If we are not careful, the opinions of others and their doubts, can. Hold us back from the very goals and live we want to achieve. This is why we must be careful when it comes to who we allow to speak into our lives. When Paul was counseling Timothy, he instructed him to remain in the faith that his grandmother and mother had raised him in and not to listen to people who claimed to have wisdom but did not follow God. In order to be effective witnesses for Christ and follow the dreams God has put in our hearts, we must let God lead us in our relationships. If you are being told things by people that conflict with the dreams and hopes God has put into your life, ask God for guidance. Let God bring the best people into your life who will nurture the dreams that God has given you.

Two of Eddie and Freddy’s biggest adventures on Amazon

  Pick up your copy of two of Eddie and Freddy’s biggest adventures in paperback today on Amazon. /