God's love is enough

By J.E. Nickerson
God’s plan for our life is to experience the joy and comfort of a relationship with him. This relationship is based on faith that God loves us unconditionally and wants the best for us. When Jesus walked the earth, He told the people of His time that God was not a distant being who was disinterested in their wellbeing. Instead, Jesus depicted God as a loving father who cared about the people He had created. 

Christ’s message changed the way people thought of God and gave them hope for their daily life and for their future. Just as God was an ever present help for the people who listened to Jesus’ message, God still wants to be a constant source for us in our daily life. In Malachi 3:6 God declares that he does not change. He was the same God yesterday, today and forever. Malachi 3:6 (Living Bible) says, “For I am the Lord—I do not change. That is why you are not already utterly destroyed, for my mercy endures forever.” This gives us hope and a place of refuge when life gets too hard or when we feel hopeless. 

God will never abandon us or leave us. His love for us and the words he has spoken about his nature, provides protection and comfort for us in every situation. 

Open your life and heart up to God and let His love fill your life. While God wants to show you the love he has for you, he also wants to show his love to others, through you. This means that once we have experienced and understood how much God cares for us, we should pray and allow God to lead us in sharing the love he has shown us with those around us. Showing God’s love to others not only means that we are in a relationship with God through faith, it also requires that we allow God to influence our actions and lives. This is accomplished by having an open heart and being willing to reach out to others. 

As we allow God to show his love to others through our lives, he will also bless us and continue to provide for our needs. As we let God lead our life and obey the commands of the Bible, we can enjoy a relationship with Him that will improve our life and continue into eternity. 

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