Peace that overcomes all obstacles


Experiencing peace in our daily life is something that many people struggle to achieve. News stories of rising inflation, political and social unrest and wars in other countries and their affect on our economy are some of the things that fill people with fear and worry. 

When Jesus walked the earth, the people who followed him dealt with similar issues that threaten to take away their peace of mind. The Roman Empire was in power at the time. The people who followed Jesus, struggled to live under Roman oppression. Religious liberties were curtailed, heavy taxes were required to be paid to the Roman government and people, known as zealots, fought against the Roman soldiers. Many people lived in fear of the Romans and longed to be free from the oppression around them. 

Despite these issues and great social unrest, Jesus promised the people who listened to his message and lived by his words, that they would experience a special kind of peace. This peace transcended the issues of the day. It was a spiritual peace based on the belief that God would provide and take care of the person who put their faith in Jesus and God. It was a peace that defied conventional understanding and could over come and the horrors of Roman oppression. 

Today we see wars, economic and social issues and struggle with sickness and disease in many forms. For many people, the daily problems discussed in the news and with their friend and family are enough to steal the peace of mind they want to experience. You don’t have to live in fear and worry though. If you put your faith in Jesus, you can experience the special peace that he gives to all who love him. In John 14:27, Jesus described this peace in the following words. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”


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