
Showing posts from July, 2024

God does not overlook small problems

  There is no problem too small or too insignificant for God to overlook or care about. God provides for the needs of the smallest insects. He will provide for your needs as well.

Let God give you strength


Your past does not define you


Can Your Life Have Two Rudders?

Excerpt from my book Seasons of Life available on Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes and Noble Do you feel like your life is not going in the direction you thought it would? It is possible that you are trying to steer your life in two directions at the same time. People who are avid boaters know the importance of a rudder, when it comes to navigating the waves. A rudder is one of the smallest parts of the steering system of a sailboat or motorboat. But it is the most important part of any sailing vessel. This is because while people may be impressed by the size and power of an engine and the finish of a wood deck as it glistens in the waning sunlight of early evening, the rudder truly determines the course that the ship will go in. There are two definitions of a rudder. The first one is from Google and defines a rudder as, “An underwater blade that is positioned at the stern of a boat or ship and controlled by its helm and that when turned causes the vessel’s head to turn in the same directio


By J.E. Nickerson  When you can submit your temper to the Holy Spirit and control it, when everyone else is losing their temper and attacking each other, When you can see someone in pain and suffering and reach out to them with love and comfort, When you can swallow your pride and be willing to humble yourself before others when you are wrong, When you can raise your hands and worship to God and seek him when you do not know which way to turn,  When you can lay down your plans and your hopes at the feet of Jesus and surrender them with full confidence in his love and goodness, When you can value your family more than all the wealth you have acquired, When you can take all of your wealth and intelligence and creativity and acknowledge that they are all a gift from God,  When you can boldly  witness for Christ and be willing to lay down your life for his namesake, Then you will have the ability and the strength to face whatever life throws at you And more importantl

Prayer changes things


Focus on the goodness of God


How to start over when we we don’t know what to do next

  By J.E. Nickerson Have you ever looked at your life and wondered how you got where you are and when things started spiraling out of control? Sometimes the best plans we have and the best choices we think we are making, lead us to the least desirable places in life. Investment choices may lead to financial difficulties because of unexpected economic challenges. A relationship that seems perfect one day can suddenly fall apart when the person we love and enjoy being with, suddenly has a change of heart and leaves us. Sometimes the situation we find ourselves in, is because of bad choices we have made that we never expected to cause as many problems as we are now facing.  No matter what your situation is or how helpless things seem, there is hope. God has not given up on you or hidden himself from you. There is no such thing as a godforsaken person or situation. That is because no matter where we are in life, we can turn to God and call to him for help. While we may still have to fa

How to deal with life and not lose your peace and sanity

  By J.E. Nickerson There are times when it feels as though we are unable to deal with the stress of life and not lose our sanity and joy. When we are feeling stressed and frustrated, we must remember that when we turn to God for help, he will give us his peace and guidance to handle whatever situation we are facing. When the disciples were in a storm, Jesus told them to not be afraid. Even though he calmed the storm, the first thing he did was to speak peace to the disciples. In Isaiah 41:10 God said he would strengthen us and give us help in every situation. He promised to sustain us with his strength and power.  Instead of letting life steal your sanity, peace, joy and hope, turn to God and let him give you his strength. Let him fill your mind with his peace and restore joy to your life.