
By J.E. Nickerson 

When you can submit your temper to the Holy Spirit and control it, when everyone else is losing their temper and attacking each other,

When you can see someone in pain and suffering and reach out to them with love and comfort,

When you can swallow your pride and be willing to humble yourself before others when you are wrong,

When you can raise your hands and worship to God and seek him when you do not know which way to turn, 

When you can lay down your plans and your hopes at the feet of Jesus and surrender them with full confidence in his love and goodness,

When you can value your family more than all the wealth you have acquired,

When you can take all of your wealth and intelligence and creativity and acknowledge that they are all a gift from God, 

When you can boldly  witness for Christ and be willing to lay down your life for his namesake,

Then you will have the ability and the strength to face whatever life throws at you

And more importantly than that,  you will be a godly man


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