Finding contentment with God’s blessings

By J.E. Nickerson 

Sometimes we compare the things we have, with the life we see others leading. It’s so easy to wonder why God didn’t bless us like he blessed the people around us. If we are not careful, we can allow our perception of other people’s lives, to hinder our enjoyment of what God has given us.

God’s blessings are always designed for the specific needs of people and the plans he has for them. No one fully knows the plans God has for them. His ways are higher than ours and his thoughts are greater and more complex than our thoughts. He can see things that we cannot see. Trust God today with the life he has given you and the blessings he has bestowed. Peace and joy are found when we allow God to lead us through his word and the Holy Spirit, instead of constantly thinking about how our life differs from the lives of other people.  


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