Honoring Heroes: Celebrating Veterans Day with Stories, History, and Community Support


By J.E. Nickerson

In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11th as Armistice Day, a solemn recognition of the sacrifices made by soldiers in the First World War. Celebrations included parades, public rallies, and a brief suspension from work commencing at 11:00am, the precise moment the Armistice came into effect, effectively ending the conflict with Germany. However, it was not until 1926 that the United States Congress officially recognized November 11th as Armistice Day, passing a resolution acknowledging the conclusion of World War I.

Following World War II and the Korean War, veterans’ service organizations petitioned Congress to amend the Armistice Day holiday, extending its recognition to include soldiers who had fought in all conflicts. On June 1, 1954, legislation was enacted, transforming November 11th into Veterans Day, a day dedicated to honoring American veterans of all wars. This legislation also replaced the term “Armistice” with “Veterans,” symbolizing the holiday’s inclusive nature.

On October 8, 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the inaugural Veterans Day Proclamation. This proclamation emphasized the participation of all veterans, their organizations, and the entire American population in the observance of Veterans Day. It also designated the Administrator of Veterans’ Affairs as the Chairman of the Veteran’s Day National Committee, responsible for coordinating the national celebration of the holiday. 

Today, in addition to parades and other celebratory activities, an official wreath-laying ceremony is held at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery. This tomb honors every soldier whose remains have not been identified.

While Veterans Day was established to honor our soldiers, it is imperative that we extend our respect and honor to them throughout the year. As Americans, it is our solemn duty to remember the men and women who tirelessly defend our nation’s security daily and extend our prayers for their safety and well-being. 

Read more about Veterans’ Day in my book All About Holidays

All About Holidays Amazon: https://books.apple.com/us/book/all-about-holidays/id1555580391


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